Isnin, Januari 31, 2011

Macam Biskut !!!

Kejap ada, kejap takde... Blog ini dah 10 hari diistihar tak wujud... tiba-tiba ada balik.... bikin susah sahaja.. Disebabkan kehilangan selama 10 hari itu,saya telah membeli domain sendiri dengan nama http://www.myictworld.com . Semuanya sebab sakit hati punya pasal. Jadi sekarang apa yang perlu saya buat ?


Kata-kata Bermakna

"Inovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it....It's rare that you see an artist in his 30s or 40s able to really contribute something amazing- Steve Jobs"..."If you born poor, it’not your mistake. But if you die poor, it’s your mistake....I don't know' has become 'I don't know yet....Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning - Bill Gates"